US President Biden: 'In the event that China assaults, the US will guard Taiwan'

US President Joe Biden has by and by said that the US will guard Taiwan in case of an assault by China. In a CBS interview, when inquired as to whether the US military would protect the island, the US president said, "OK, on the off chance that there was really an uncommon assault." 

After his explanation, the White House needed to explain that US strategy had not changed. Washington has long kept a place of "key uncertainty" on Taiwan, meaning it neither focuses on guarding Taiwan nor rejects the choice. Taiwan is an independent island off the bank of eastern China that Beijing claims is essential for China.

Washington has consistently acted with discretionary watchfulness on this. From one viewpoint, it is chasing after the 'One China' strategy which is the premise of its relations with Beijing. Under this strategy, the US perceives that China has just a single government and has formal relations with Beijing instead of Taiwan.

However, it likewise keeps up with close binds with Taiwan and offers arms to it under the Taiwan Relations Act. The demonstration expresses that the US should give assets to the island's protection. Taiwan has invited US President Biden's assertion on Monday and said that the US government has committed unshakable security to Taiwan.

Strains between the US and China have ascended since US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited the island in August. About this visit, US President Joe Biden said that this visit was 'just plain dumb'. Beijing answered by forcing a five-day military bar around Taiwan. 

The US asserts that China terminated rockets at the island, however Beijing has not affirmed this. Taiwan said that the rockets sent off by China were high-flying and represented no danger.

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