Energy coercion: Russia requests EU to open Nord Stream 2 for gas supplies

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that assuming the EU needs more gas, it ought to lift sanctions forestalling the kickoff of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

 It is accounted for by Reuters.

Addressing columnists after the Shanghai Participation Association culmination in Uzbekistan, Putin rejected that Russia had a say in the energy emergency in Europe.

"Most importantly on the off chance that you have a longing, assuming it's so difficult for you, simply lift the assents on Nord Stream 2, which is 55 billion cubic meters of gas each year, press the button and all that will work." Putin said.

Prior, the Russian gas monster Gazprom cautioned that the main working Trent 60 gas siphoning unit at the Portovaya pressure station would be closed down from August 31 to September 2 for supposed upkeep and preventive support. 

Gazprom later said that the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, the fundamental stockpile course to Europe, would stay shut as motor oil spilled from a turbine at a blower station. This prompted a sharp expansion in discount gas costs.

Siemens Energy, which regularly keeps up with Nord Stream 1's turbines, said such a hole shouldn't stop the pipeline's activity. The Russian League likewise expressed that the West begun a monetary conflict, and the assents obstruct the activity of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline. 

The top of the press administration of the European Commission, Eric Mamer, called Russia's choice to stop Nord Stream "negative". The White House, responding to the total closure of Nord Stream, noticed that Moscow keeps on involving energy as an instrument of tension on Europe. 

Nord Stream 2, which runs along the lower part of the Baltic Ocean practically lined up with Nord Stream 1, was constructed a year prior. Be that as it may, Germany deserted it a couple of days prior.

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